Monday 10th July

In the last 24 hours Enmarie posted to Facebook, while still on a ventilator!
I think that's a pretty good indicator of her improving condition!

"The Facebook Force is strong in this one!"

This morning the doctor told me that she is continuing to improve and that, if all goes well, she will probably come off the ventilator tomorrow morning.

This is great news. Enmarie will be so glad to be able to talk again, and breathe on her own for the first time in two weeks.

As her lungs have started to heal, Enmarie has needed a lower and lower percentage of oxygen from the ventilator, to maintain a normal blood-oxygen level. Now that the oxygen percentage (currently 25%) is nearly down to that of normal air (21%), the pressure of the ventilator has been reduced so that her natural breathing mechanism is doing more of the work. She will come off the ventilator when the doctors are happy that she will be able to maintain a good blood-oxygen level by breathing on her own.

Fingers crossed for tomorrow morning!
